On the money podcast - with Dynamic Funds

Financial Empowerment redefined

What does money really mean in your life? As you think of this, you’ll soon discover that there is so much more to the conversation on money than just the dollars and cents. Which also means that there's much more to the advisor/client relationship than solely the charts, graphs and figures.

I was honored to be welcomed by Mark Brisley, Managing Director and Head of Dynamic Funds. on their On The Money Podcast. In our conversation we discussed how we could be better prepared to achieve financial well-being by re-examining our relationship with money and understanding why it’s “more than math.”

To listen to the conversation head to: On the Money with Dynamic Funds. Listened to the podcast and want to head back to a specific section? I’ve included the content breakdown for you here!

2:30 – A different starting place

3:55 – Discovering our hidden emotional associations

9:23 – Talking to kids about money

12:22 – What if I’m well into my journey?

13:11 – Dealing with financial changes caused by the pandemic

22:54 – Enriching the relationship with your advisor

25:11 – What does EQ do for a financial plan?

29:48 – Who is this conversation for?

32:21 – “The Game Stop Effect”

37:10 – What’s next? The value of your advocate

Martha Adams

Martha is a certified financial planner turned author and motivational speaker. Martha’s first book, Cleopatra’s Riches, is an international bestseller on Amazon. From network events to national conferences, Martha speaks to audience large and small about how to connect to their own money story and change the financial conversation to the postivie.


Humanizing finances


What’s in a pose?